About Us

HAriyali Fram is a passionate brainchild of Amrita Bharti – an avid farmer, model, stage artist and one who embodies woman empowerment.

The journey from being the winner of “Best Balcony Gardener” to starting HARIyali farms in 2021 has been very exciting and eventful. The unyielding desire to make a difference to our environment and living the dream of sharing smiles, made this expedition even more interesting, despite all the hurdles that came their way.

People say behind every successful man there is a woman but HARIyali Farms wouldn’t be what it is without the firm support of her spouse Srikant who stood firmly being the backbone of this venture.

While guests love the experience which is unlike any other, we are constantly learning and implementing feedbacks that our guests share with us. Come, live with us, like us for few days and we would do everything possible to ensure you go back smiling wanting to come back to our farm again. 

Maharashtra Tourism Registered Agri Tourism Centre

HARIyali Farms Agri Tourism Registration from Maharashtra Tourism #agritourism #maharashtratourism #hariyalifarmskamshet #hariyalikamshet

Awards & recognitions

In supporting tourism...

Green India Awards 2022 - Best Eco Tourism Destination Award

#hariyalifarmskamshet #hariyalikamshet
#hariyalifarmskamshet #hariyalikamshet
#hariyalifarmskamshet #hariyalikamshet

In gardening...

#hariyalifarmskamshet #hariyalikamshet
#hariyalifarmskamshet #hariyalikamshet
#hariyalifarmskamshet #hariyalikamshet
#hariyalifarmskamshet #hariyalikamshet
#hariyalifarmskamshet #hariyalikamshet

HARIyali Farms, Sablewadi Phata, Kamshet, PUNE - 410405 , Contact : 9699325562, 9422120910

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